現代のイタリーアコーディオンプレイヤーを代表する一人、Renzo Ruggieriが4月7日と8日にイタリーのCastelfranco
Venetoでアコセミナーを開催します。 21日にはイタリーのVallo di Diano, Teggianoでアコソロコンサートと電子楽器との競演を行います。ご興味にある方はお問い合わせください。 Renzo
RuggieriはScandalli、Paolo Soprani、SEMブランドアコを製造するSuoni社の専属アドバイザーでもあり、SEM
CIAO MIDIアコの開発担当でもあります。
7 and 8 April, Renzo Ruggieri will give a Seminar of 15 hours by Conservatory
of Castelfranco Veneto (Italy). For information address to the artistic
direction of the event: M° Ivano PATERNO (discharge brochure). 8 April,
h 21.00 Ruggieri will play in Solo Accordion + electronics and video the
recital "Storie di Fisarmonica Vissuta"
- April 21 Ruggieri will repeat the concert in Solo Accordion + electronics
in the Musical Academy of Vallo di Diano, Teggiano (Sa, Italy) and the
following day will hold an interesting seminar on the Music Jazz always
in the same center. For information address the artistic director Salvatore
- From the 11-13 June the "Association Promotion Art" organizes
the 1 Staga of Jazz/Modern Music. Two days of FULL IMMERSION with lessons
for 8 daily hours (discharge the brochure).
- Download the version 2.0 of REAL DRUMS, new characteristics and new rhythms:
- From today it is possible purchase the new album of modern compositions
for students EMOZIONI ELETTRONICHE 3 (Berben 5320) that it closes the luky
series of three volumes devoted to the electronic instruments.
