FinnlandのDiatonicアコメーカーのFAWの社長さんよりメールがとどきました。 Finnlandのなんともいえないメランコリックな雰囲気が伝わる演奏ですね。 紹介された曲の雰囲気がどこか日本の叙情に似ていないこともないと感じるのは僕だけだろうか?
I am not sure is Sakkijarven polkka in Englis Sack Lake. I try
clear up this thing. I have not English text in this song (Sakkijarven
polkka). Mayby English text find from here, Finnish Accordion
I send other link for you. Name of song is Varisevat
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9JPiTKvOegA Very difficult
bellows tremolo. This song is composer Paul Norrback and he was only 16 years
when he compose this song.
This song is very popular in here. Name of
song is Metsakukkia. Mayby in this song find English text.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XAGEdhv5B70&feature=related If
I not remember . . correctly, this song is possible play normal or unisonoric
two-row button box, but e.g G/C tune normal 8 bass two row accordion, but you
have to been Finnish bass system.
But now I waiting summer and I move
living in Pori and also my workshop moved to Pori. Mayby you know Pori Jazz
Thanks again for you and keep connecting.
regard Aaro Luukinen
PS: My Englis is not good but I hope at you
undestand my text. |