こんなメールをいただきました。 まだ知らなかったアコーディオンメーカーです。 20年来作っているとのこと。 どんなアコーディオンなんでしょうね?
Mr. Kawai! I've just come across your very interesting web-site. I've been
building diatonic button-accordions for almost 2 decades, but only very recently
I've established my own website: www.bergflodt.net I'm very keen on getting
in touch with people outside Scandinavia who share my passion for the diatonic
accordion. May I ask you to have a look at my site, maybe it is something that
could interest the japanese accordion communitiy? I would also gladly put a link
to your site on mine, but prefer to wait for your approval. Best regards from
Olav Bergflodt, instrument-maker from Moss, Norway